3D NFT Ticket Animation TEMPLATE For Blender (.blend file + bonus) #9
Hi! This template will help you create your own 3D NFT ticket animation, easier and faster.
Complete 3D scene for Blender (.blend format) displaying a ticket animation. Render engine: Eevee. You can use this template to create own NFTs such as: general admission tickets, group package tickets, table and seat tickets, themed promo code or special offer, early bird tickets, virtual pass, giveaways, all-access pass, workshop tickets, VIP cards, and more!
BONUS: You'll also get 10 trading tickets mockups for Photoshop and Affinity Photo.
Bonus mockups
Order this template now to get FREE customization.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me: https://solo.to/nftdesignerka
.blend file with animated ticket (for Blender) + bonus 10 ticket mockups (.psd, .afphoto)